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Principal's Panui - 22 September 2023

Principal's Panui - 22 September 2023

Read the latest news from Rutherford College

Kia ora e te whānau o Te Kōtuku, nau mai mai, haere mai

As a school community we are in good heart. There will always be challenges in a community of 1400 young people, 150 teaching staff and our wider whanau. We can allow ourselves to get bogged down with the most challenging of events. I know full well that they can consume the bulk of our time. What gives me optimism every single day as I walk around our grounds is the positivity of spirit, the enthusiasm and energy I see from the vast majority of our young people.  I am fortunate that I get daily access to this positivity. I do not only receive a diet of sound bites through social media or news outlets about the small percentage of people who have made mistakes or struggle to live by values or shared tikanga. What I get to see is a school with a strong wairua, that continues to recapture the essence of who we are as we continue to recover post COVID etc. 

Thank you to our students, our staff and our whanau for your support, your authenticity and what you do day to day to create the foundation to strive for personal excellence, protect the nest, bleed for the bird and seek access to the next rung of the ladder.

I trust that everyone enjoys some good times in the holiday break. Stay safe.

Community Consultation – 2023 Results

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our Community Consultation Survey.  We really value getting feedback from different members of the community and our survey is just one of the methods that we can do fairly easily. This year we did reduce the number of questions and added in some topical questions that provoked quite a lot of written responses and opinions. As always, it made interesting reading. The school plans to consult further through face-to-face meetings later in the year. 

Please click here to view the consultation results.

Term 4 Events Changes in the School Day

Term 4 is a very busy time of the year and the school has a lot of different events occurring in the first few weeks. Some include early finishes and a staff only day. Please note the following

20 October – school closes early at 1.30pm (prior to Labour Weekend)
24 November – Staff Only day – there will be no scheduled classes for students that day

Upcoming Events:

24 October – Pasifika Awards Evening 

25 October – Arts/Cultural Awards Evening

26 October – Te Ao Māori Awards Evening 

27 October – Sports Awards Evening

02 November – Senior Prizegiving – School Hall 6pm start time (approximately). Last day for Year 11/12 and 13 students before exams start.

06 November – NCEA Exams commence

04 – 05 December – Wider Living Events for Y9/10 students and School Production

07-08 December – Junior Prizegiving

08 December – last day of the school year.

Kia kaha

Gary Moore

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