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Principal's Panui

Principal's Panui

Principal's Panui

Kia ora te whanau ō te Kōtuku  

Winter Sport and attitude to sport generally.

There is always an air of excitement with the start of the winter sports season. A few of our senior teams that compete at the top levels have commenced their seasons. The remainder start this weekend or very soon.

It is therefore timely to remind ourselves all of the values we all hold to be important within College Sport competitions. Every student, coach, manager, and supporter has a responsibility to uphold the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship in any College Sport competition. Schools are responsible for providing a safe environment for College Sport matches and events in which all individuals are treated with respect. We can still be competitive and have a will to win while maintaining those value and expectations.  

As a student I will: - Enjoy playing sport, have fun and partake in healthy competition  - Respect all officials, teammates, coaches, supporters and opponents - Play by the rules of my sport at all times - Wear the appropriate attire for my sport - Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat - Represent my school with the utmost pride, dignity, honesty and loyalty.  

As a coach/manager I will:  - Enjoy being involved in sport - Respect all officials, colleagues, coaches, players, supporters and opponents - Place the safety and welfare of my players/athletes before anything else - Be a positive role model at all times for my players/athletes.

As a supporter I will:  - Respect all officials, players, coaches, supporters and opponents - Not enter the field of play, unless requested to do so by an official - Observe all fixtures without questioning the decisions of coaches and officials - Take time to thank the coach and all volunteers who are giving others a chance to participate in a positive activity - Display a positive attitude at every game and be a role model for others.

We can be proud of how our teams in the past have gone about their work and the support that our whanau provides. This is just a clear signal to those new to the flock and a reminder of those who have been part of the nest before of what good looks like. 

The value of Sport and Cultural activities in a School setting.

The true value of sport is not the actual game played in the limelight of applause, but the hours of dogged determination training for it, which may take weeks of arduous work, self-effort, and sacrifice. It is self-discipline, imposed and supervised by our own demanding conscience. 

The applause soon dies away, the prize is left behind, but the character, the values you build are yours forever, that’s the real prize.

Acknowledgment, (Fred “The Needle’ Allen)

In addition, I believe and have a lifetime of experience of knowing that the friendships made often prove to be lifelong ones and cannot be overstated. It will be those shared experiences that you talk about when you catch up with each other in the years ahead.

And as always when our students take the court, field, hall, floor or arena they do so with;            Taka Ngakau Titoki, Taka ngakau Kōtuku, With the strongest of hearts, the heart of a Kōtuku.

PST Conferences 9 May
Thank you to all the parents and students who came along last night to talk with the subject teachers.  I hope you had a meaningful discussion and captured an insight into your son or daughter's progress to date or perhaps a few ways to help them extend their learning further.  A further opportunity will be offered in term 3 for you to meet again. If your son or daughter needs additional support they are welcome to join one of our homework centres as listed below.

Paid Union Meeting - 15 May

School closes early on 15 May to allow teachers the opportunity to attend a Paid Union Meeting. This means school will close at 12.25pm that day. If you need your son or daughter to stay at school until the normal time, please register their name here. There will be staff available for supervision but there will be no scheduled classes in the afternoon.

Pink Shirt Day - Friday 17 May

Pink Shirt Day is a day to stand up against bullying. Students can wear mufti (preferably pink) and any money raised will go towards a suitable charity. Due to the some senior students taking the initiative themselves and contacting Rt Hon Chris Hipkins to visit our school to talk about bullying, we are pleased to announce that he will be speaking to our Year 9 students on 15 May during assembly time.  We are excited to hear what Chris has to say on a topic which resonates with him.

Friday May 31 - Staff Only Day

This is a reminder also that Friday 31 May is a staff only day. This is a day that staff focus on NCEA changes and implementation as directed by the Ministry of Education. There will be no classes that day and students should remain home. 

Y9 Camp 

Year 9 STARS Camp is fast approaching. Monday 20 May - Friday 24 May. If you have any questions about camp please contact the organiser, Rosie Simpson on [email protected].nz

Homework Centres

A reminder that students can get help for study through our homework centres. No sign up necessary, just come along at the designated time.

Support forWhereWhen
ScienceInformation CommonsThursday 3.15-4.15
Information Commons
Tuesday 3.20–4.30
B9Tuesday 3.20–4.30
F4Friday Lunch
Y11 Building
Wednesday 3.20-4.20
Tues, Wed, Thur after school
Fashion Design
Thursday 3.20-4.30pm
Tuesday Lunch
Art Club
Tuesday 3.10-4.30
Ākonga Māori
Wednesday 3.20-6
Thursday 3.20–4.30

Upcoming events:
03 June - King's Birthday - School Closed
17 June - International Languages Week
21 June - International Languages Evening
20 June - LUV Music
28 June - Matariki - School Closed
04 July - School Ball and last day of term.
05 July - Friday School Closed

Kia Kaha

Gary Moore

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